Interaction - Um convite à participação
Exposição Desejo - Natal - RN. Café Salão Nalva. Convite a olhar por frestas e experiência de ver o reflexo.
I gave a workshop about “how you make a sketchbook with low cost material” at Book Fair in Pipa - RN - Brazil - to teenager from public school.
I did the same workshop “how you make a sketchbook with low cost material” at Olaias Library School and I was invited to set up a Drawing Club that I am still working.
I was invited in 2014 to set up a drawing club for teenagers at a state school library in Lisbon, as a volunteer. As I had no funds, I used low-cost objects to produce games and tools to draw with. Wool yarns were our main drawing material. Besides paper, I used my mobile phone to produce stop motions animations with the club’s participants.
Rules for participating in the Drawing Club: "It's not allowed treating your partner, your drawing, and your Library. It is allowed is to treat everything and everyone with affection. "It is not allowed comparing your drawing to that of the other. What counts is to focus on your drawing. - It's not allowed saying "I can not" It is allowed is to draw. - It is not allowed miss classes. What matters is always coming and willing to create new things.
I was invited in 2014 to set up a drawing club for teenagers at a state school library in Lisbon, as a volunteer. As I had no funds, I used low-cost objects to produce games and tools to draw with. Wool yarns were our main drawing material. Besides paper, I used my mobile phone to produce stop motions animations with the club’s participants.
Convite para jogar online duarante 1 hora dentro da Casa Animal da dupla Musa Paradisiaca. link do projeto
During my Residence in Tel Aviv, I was invited to participate in volunteer work with children refugees from Eritrea.
We worked with drawings and body expressions.
Workshop with Tetra Pak - Lisbon
Lisbon - 2017 - MONA
Lisbon - 2017 - MONA
Instalação "Palhinhas" participantes constroem formas.
Obra relacionada. Livro de Artista - Gravura sobre papel
Video com sala de projeção - o visitante interage no espaço. Mais neste link Connections
At the Horanggasy Creative Studio Residency in South Korea, I did a proposal to give a workshop about ‘Impression collectors’ doing engraving techniques with low-cost materials.
Image above - works on "Impression Collectors" - Noh Eun Young, Lee Myeong Eun, Seo Byeong Ju, Laureline Claeys, Yoo Ji Young, Yoo Mang Chul, Claudia Pestana and Andrea Ebert Workshop Impression Collectors 인상 수집가들 Technology x Technology
Como explorar uma biblioteca.
Convite para participar e descobrir livros numa biblioteca. Mais no link ACC
Workshop Cargo Cult - Lisbon - engraving with packagings
Workshop in Montemor-o-Novo - with Renata Bueno at Oficina da Criança - engravings with Tetra Pak
Exposição Raia - Feira de Edições. Convida os visitantes a fazer uma gravura.
Exposição Campos de Encontros em Santo Amaro de Oeiras - convida visitantes a colaborar lista de livros e imprimir numa prensa de gravura o resultado de uma pesquisa.
Dentro do contexto do projeto “Residência Artística” do Plano Nacional das Artes A proposta desta residência foi integrar os alunos à oficina de gravura do Agrupamento Ibn Mucana na Casa das Artes em parceria com Andrea Ebert. Com isso, foram realizadas oficinas experimentais para explorar a gravura com materiais não convencionais com os alunos, professores e a comunidade escolar.